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Showing posts from December, 2024

4th day of Christmas: The Jefferson Hotel

CHRISTMAS AT THE JEFFERSON HOTEL: The Jefferson was very busy this weekend. I always go there every year to see what they have in terms of the gingerbread house display.  It was very cheerful and bright and merry at the Jefferson this Saturday evening. I took some pictures of the usual, and every year I enjoy seeing the subtle changes in how they decorate the place. The atmosphere is elegant, but cozy.                                                                       Hello? I'm here! The Jefferson Hotel is Richmond's preimere hotel, owned by the Sheraton. It had a fire in 1895, but was restored quickly to it's former glory. At one point they had alligators in the lobby! The hotel has hosted many famous guests, including Elvis Presley and Presiden Richard Nixon. A beautiful staircase in the center was said ...

First Day of Christmas

 I was plumb tired and skipped Christmas Eve service last night. I decided to sit by the tree and listen to some beautiful Christmas carols.  Things are different when you get older , and you appreciate the serendipity more.  I got some very nice Christmas presents today including a biography on the wonderful Jefferson Davis ! Along with some soaps, socks, and a book on the Army of Tennesee. I got several gift cards which will come in handy as I amy order a squat rack soon.                            Holy-days are joyful. A turkey dinner with cornbread dressing.                  My favorite is this "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake I had special made from Publix                                                     Some photos around the ...

Oh Christmas Tree

 This is a  nice and healthy tree I ordered in the mail from up North. I was skeptical about how it would survive, but it's still drinking (water, of course), and not dry yet , with only a few days before Christmas, so it will probably last through January 6th.  I put on it some toy soldiers with red cardinals, cranberry garland,, and the ribbon. Not overdone, but just enough.                     Pretty soon, I''ll have my toy train up and running.

Haircut and Style

 At first , I was very disappointed in this haircut. I thought it made me look like Curly from the "Three Stooges". Now I am kind of digging the new look. It's an odd time of year to get a haircut as short as this one, but at least it will grow. This the shortest I have ever had my hair trimmed.  My  fitness progress is going well. I think I can actually see some kind of waist line I look like a weird power lifter lately, which isn't terrible.. But I just want to be lean and healthy...My wife and children can depend on me to protect them.

Early Christmas Decor

 In the Christian world we are still in advent, but there is always this anxiety to get stuff up so you don't look like a "scrooge". I like to put up Christmas decorations little by little starting in early December and work my way up to the grand finale: decorating a real live Christmas tree. Usually that doesn't happen til about 10 days before Christmas. This year I had to order a live tree from Massachusettes, but at least it's not terribly far away, so we can get a tree here in time. I don't have a car big enough anymore, but if I had my druthers, I would rather have just gotten a smaller fat "baby" tree and stick in the back of my Ford Escort. My front parlor only has so much room The Westhampton of Richmond area already looks like the set of a Hallmark Christmas movie. I really like the Big Santa they put up this year  I put up some greens in the front window and added an old wooden bench for a a classic country Christmas theme Saw a "Sant...