Christmas 2018

Christmas is here! On this  First Day of Christmas,  I got a lot of neat stuff. Including a new Nintendo game and and some Old Spice.   Usually on Christmas Day  we go to the Jefferson Hotel downtown  to see what kind of Gingerbread house they put up.  I love decorating the house for Christmas. This year it was hard to find a tree.They were sold out early.  We went all over . I finally got one at Lowe's: A  nice full figured Douglas Fir. I loaded it with traditional red and white ornaments. Some I made myself. We usually enjoy a ham or turkey dinner with all the fixings.  I attend Christmas Eve church service for midnight worship. This Christmas felt nice and relaxed. More enjoyable than last year. I try to remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

I sang at a few Christmas parties and made some extra money. I also did a lot of entertaining as Santa Cow at work. I rode in the Christmas Parade in the trolley. It was a lot of fun. I feel that most people rush Christmas by the time it really comes, they are fed up with it. It's nicer to take things slowly. I usually don't put up any decorations until mid December- that is when I usually get the tree. We put a tree in the front parlor, and then one in the dining room .

